Water Quality
Please call H2O if you experience any water quality issues. It is important that they know of any concerns, so that they can address the issue. Their number is 281-353-9809.
Please call H2O if you experience any water quality issues. It is important that they know of any concerns, so that they can address the issue. Their number is 281-353-9809.
The TN water plant lost power about 30 minutes ago but, as designed, the backup generator kicked on and is powering the plant.
Water pressure is normal throughout the District. There are no water quality issues.
The reason that the water pressure was low in Terra Nova was because the Terranova West MUD Power was out at the water plant, the power, however, has been restored and the system is going to be flushed.
Best Trash will have the recycling truck and the trash truck in Terra Nova again tomorrow to pick up whatever recycling/trash was not picked up on Monday. Please have your recycling bins and trash bins out by 7am tomorrow morning, Thursday January 18th.
H2O Innovation staff will be mobilized and standing by to deal with water main breaks and water plant issues.
If you experience a pipe freeze on your side of your water meter outside your home, H20 can only turn your water off at the meter. If you have a pipe broken inside your home, you can isolate your private cut off usually located on the side of your home below your water spigot. Or inside the garage. It’s a good idea to have the names of a couple of plumbers should you need them, as H2O does not repair homeowner private water lines.
Freeze Preparation Tips
Protect your pipes when it freezes!
Thank you for your patience. The water main break has been repaired and your water should be back on… pressure is returning as well.
Main break has been isolated and you should see an improvement in pressure. We will keep you updated as we have more details. It will take some time to come up to full pressure.
There is a main water break that is causing low/no water pressure. H2O is working to resolve the problem, but at this time there is no time table for the work to be finished.
The City of Houston (COH), the primary source of water for the North Harris County Regional Water Authority (Authority), entered stage one of the COH Drought Contingency Plan on June 21, 2022, due to the observed drop in annual rainfall amounts and higher-than-normal daily temperatures. The COH’s drought response calls for voluntary water conservations efforts to reduce water use, that will reduce the daily volume of water delivered. The Houston Public Works Release can be found under https://nhcrwa.info/coh-stage1.
The Authority is implementing Stage 1 of our Drought Contingency Plan immediately. The Authority’s Drought Contingency Plan request that any customer receiving water from the Authority or well owner whose well is included under the Authority’s Harris-Galveston Subsidence District aggregate water well permit:
Compliance to the above recommendations is voluntary.
With the heavy volume of trash/recycling today, Residential Recycling and Refuse will not be able to finish the recycling pick up in Terra Nova today. They will complete the pick up in the morning.